Verse (VERSE) Contract: 0x249cA82617eC3DfB2589c4c17ab7EC9765350a18 0x249cA82617eC3...50a18 Network: Ethereum Smart Chain (ETH)
Verse token price 5m– 1h– 6h-1.10% 24h0.91%
Buy/Sell tax 0% / 0.01% Liquidity $1.05M Total Supply 210B Market Cap $42.25M
About Verse Verse (VERSE) is a cryptocurrency in the Ethereum (ETH) network, launched in Dec 07 2022, 05:00. The last price of the token is $0.0002153, in the last 24 hours the coin has increased by 0.91%. Verse has a 42,249,780$ marketcap with a 210,000,000,000 token supply and circulating supply is 209,999,999,990. Over the last trading day, the market volume on VERSE was 7,486$ and is constantly growing.
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Vote for Verse Shill More Embed button code PromoteToken price 5m– 1h– 6h-1.10% 24h0.91%
Buy/Sell tax 0% / 0.01% Liquidity $1.05M Total Supply 210B Market Cap $42.25M
Liquidity pools Unknown | WETH609.70 WETH($2,183,068) Uniswap | WETH19.18 WETH($104,177) PancakeSwap | WETH10.33 WETH($48,633) SushiSwap | WETH12.29 WETH($45,582) Uniswap | USDC12,043.00 USDC($39,636) Uniswap | WETH6.66 WETH($39,357) Unknown | DAI2,427.00 DAI($4,854) Unknown | USDC1,035.00 USDC($2,072) Uniswap | WETH0.0127400000 WETH($45) Unknown | USDT2.51 USDT($5) Uniswap | WETH0.0000000000 WETH($0) Uniswap | USDC0.0000020000 USDC($0) Uniswap | USDT0.0000020000 USDT($0) Uniswap | USDC0.0000020000 USDC($0) Uniswap | DAI0.0000000000 DAI($0) Uniswap | USDT0.0000020000 USDT($0) Uniswap | WETH0.0000000000 WETH($0) CoinGecko CoinMarketCap Scan Contract Check Contract Add to MetaMaskWebsite Twitter Telegram Discord Launch date: Dec 07 2022, 05:00
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