#1 Kekec 9999.99% #2 EARN 1431.00% #3 LAIR 13.69% #4 ASHIBA 109.00% #5 шайлушай 16.99% #6 ZEAL 29.08% #7 DOGE-1SAT 34.90% #8 JOE 21.64% #9 настоящий 9222.00% #10 HAY 18.00% #1 Kekec 9999.99% #2 EARN 1431.00% #3 LAIR 13.69% #4 ASHIBA 109.00% #5 шайлушай 16.99% #6 ZEAL 29.08% #7 DOGE-1SAT 34.90% #8 JOE 21.64% #9 настоящий 9222.00% #10 HAY 18.00% Coin / bnb-kabosu-tiger BNB Kabosu Tiger BNBKABOSUTIGER PRICE 1H +182.00% 24H 1069.00% $0 Binance Smart Chain 0x6432ff0c9e...2b3ffc34ed6e44df Transaction Tax Buy 5.00% / Sell 5.19% Marketcap $8,481 Liquidity $2,406 Telegram 10 Twitter 1 Launch: 2023/10/29 BNB Kabosu Tiger We Have Too Many 0's to Delete 5/5 TAX Ownership Renounced 50% Token Burned Unicrypto Lock 3 Month https://t.me/bnbkabosutiger
Buy/Sell tax0% / 0% | Liquidity$1 |
Total Supply9223T | Market Cap- |
BNB Kabosu Tiger (BNBKabosuTiger) is a cryptocurrency in the Binance (BSC) network, launched in Oct 28 2023, 04:00. The last price of the token is $0.0(0x24)245, in the last 24 hours the coin has decreased by -99.98%. BNB Kabosu Tiger has a 0$ marketcap with a 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 token supply and circulating supply is 4. Over the last trading day, the market volume on BNBKabosuTiger was 7$ and is constantly growing.
Buy/Sell tax0% / 0% | Liquidity$1 |
Total Supply9223T | Market Cap- |