Just a quick reminder. Before starting on PancakeSwap, we'll add 1 BNB to the reward pool. Once trading begins and the first buy transactions appear, the contract will start counting down 1800 seconds (30 minutes) to the next transaction. If no such transaction appears, or if it occurs after 31 minutes, the last 10 buyers will share the contents of the pot, which is 1 BNB. The last buyer gets 50%, the second to last 20%, the one before that 10%, and the remaining 20% is automatically distributed among the other 7 buyers. If there are more transactions and the contract collects more than 10 BNB in the prize pool, the time between transactions changes to 60 seconds (1 minute), and the last 100 buyers will win. The more BNB in the pot, the shorter the time between transactions. It doesn't matter whether the last buyers purchase tokens for $1 or $1,000. If anyone has any questions or doubts, feel free to ask; we are happy to answer :) 🏆Rewards Simulation: https://leprechauntoken.com/#simulation
Buy/Sell tax0% / 0% | Liquidity$3K |
Total Supply- | Market Cap$1.8K |
Leprechaun (LPC) is a cryptocurrency in the Binance (BSC) network, launched in May 13 2024, 04:00. The last price of the token is $0.0(0x10)193, in the last 24 hours the coin has by 0.00%. Leprechaun has a 1,757$ marketcap with a 0 token supply and circulating supply is 0. Over the last trading day, the market volume on LPC was 50$ and is constantly growing.
Buy/Sell tax0% / 0% | Liquidity$3K |
Total Supply- | Market Cap$1.8K |