🚀 Join ዋጋ (WAGA) on BSC - Decentralizing Wealth! 🚀 Presale: 1 BNB = 27,777,777 WAGA | Listing: 1 BNB = 11,333,333 WAGA (2.4x) Supply: 576B | Soft Cap: 500 BNB | Hard Cap: 1500 BNB Liquidity Lock: 700 Days ⏳ | Vesting: 50% upfront, 25% every 112 days Funds: 60% Liquidity, 10% CoopB wallets (Africa), 5% Affiliates/PinkSale. 🌍 Isle of Judah: Hub for unique enthusiast uniting blockchain with real-world impact. Digital Passports 🌐 - Limited BEP-1155 NFTs for passive earnings!
ዋጋ (WAGA) is a cryptocurrency in the Binance (BSC) network, launched in Jan 11 2025, 05:00. The last price of the token is $0, in the last 24 hours the coin has by 0.00%. ዋጋ has a 0$ marketcap with a 0 token supply and circulating supply is 0. Over the last trading day, the market volume on WAGA was 0$ and is constantly growing.