Thetan Gem (THG) is a cryptocurrency in the Binance (BSC) network, launched in Sep 16 2021, 04:00. The last price of the token is $0.01455, in the last 24 hours the coin has increased by 5.80%. Thetan Gem has a 6,111,309$ marketcap with a 420,000,000 token supply and circulating supply is 419,999,999. Over the last trading day, the market volume on THG was 7,259$ and is constantly growing.
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Token price
Buy/Sell tax0% / 0.5%
Total Supply420M
Market Cap$6.11M
Liquidity pools
PancakeSwap | WBNB531.29 WBNB($350,144)
Unknown | WBNB70.49 WBNB($47,521)
Unknown | WBNB11.83 WBNB($7,957)
PancakeSwap | WBNB0.51610 WBNB($332)
Unknown | WBNB0.34340 WBNB($230)
PancakeSwap | BUSD46.98 BUSD($94)
PancakeSwap | USDT26.79 USDT($54)
Unknown | USDT5.44 USDT($11)
PancakeSwap | USDT3.15 USDT($7)
Unknown | BUSD1.73 BUSD($3)
PancakeSwap | USDC0.26440 USDC($1)
Unknown | USDT0.10080 USDT($0.20000)
Unknown | BUSD0.0026690000 BUSD($0)
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