CakeBot (TCB) operates on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and offers Telegram bots for automated trading and sniping trades. Soon, the bots will be available for free, allowing users to automate trades and potentially profit swiftly and effortlessly.
Buy/Sell tax5.08% / 91.63% | Liquidity$1K |
Total Supply1M | Market Cap$45.1K |
CakeBot (TCB) is a cryptocurrency in the Binance (BSC) network, launched in Jul 31 2023, 04:00. The last price of the token is $0.04512, in the last 24 hours the coin has increased by 57.05%. CakeBot has a 45,127$ marketcap with a 1,000,000 token supply and circulating supply is 1,000,000. Over the last trading day, the market volume on TCB was 128$ and is constantly growing.
Buy/Sell tax5.08% / 91.63% | Liquidity$1K |
Total Supply1M | Market Cap$45.1K |