Introducing Doble Fried, an animated pilot written and illustrated by Matt Furie. In a degen world of ladies, turds, porn and alien egg birthing, this wild and crazy one episode gem is the brainchild of Matt Furie. 20% has been send to matt furie his wallet...
Buy/Sell tax0% / 0% | Liquidity$15K |
Total Supply- | Market Cap$64.3K |
BABYGIRL (BABYGIRL) is a cryptocurrency in the Ethereum (ETH) network, launched in Jul 09 2024, 04:00. The last price of the token is $0.0(0x5)152, in the last 24 hours the coin has by 0.00%. BABYGIRL has a 64,277$ marketcap with a 0 token supply and circulating supply is 0. Over the last trading day, the market volume on BABYGIRL was 638$ and is constantly growing.
Buy/Sell tax0% / 0% | Liquidity$15K |
Total Supply- | Market Cap$64.3K |